Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day Fifty-Four

Starbucks was taken over by Aliens...
I can't say much more...
They are watching.

Here are the stats:
Camera: Canon EOS 30D
Lens: Canon 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
F-stop: f/4
Exposure time: 1/25 sec.
ISO speed: ISO-200
Focal Length: 38mm
No Flash

(and watch your back.)


Miss Lady said...

this doesn't reflect your photography...
but do i have a wonky eye? i'm obsessing.

i'm also overly hopped up on that coffee so i'm
playing out alien scenarios in my head.

Lennon Bone said...

I love this one you gals... well done...

C. A. Nickless said...

I nearly hit the bad button. Because Starbucks is bad.