Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day One Hundred&SeventySeven

Rooooooaaaaaddddd Triiiiiiiiiiip!
Layne, The Chad, Rachel and I decided to road trip to Springfield, MO to see Eisley and Someone Still Loves You Boris Yelstin.
The show was FANTASTIC and so was the food at Cheddars.  Om Nom Nom!

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Bethany said...

You are ridiculously talented.

Baylie Marie said...

Wow! Thanks Bethany!!

Lennon Bone said...

Well, it's a shame that you didn't stop by to see us just down the street before that show.........................

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lennon! C-Street Jam was great...though I really wanted to see Boris and Eisley. Another time I suppose.

Cool three piece photo btw.