Friday, August 20, 2010

Days Two Hundred&TwentyNine thru Two Hundred&ThirtyTwo

Raise your hand if you love Sushi!!
I have been on again off again with Sushi for a few years now and have concluded that I can't live without it.
Thankfully, my good friend, SirTorey, knows his stuff when it comes to making it!
Cue Sushi Party Noms!!
It was great to see/meet everyone and I got to play around with a 100mm Macro lens for the first time!

Here are the stats for the top photo:
Camera:  Canon EOS 30D
Lens:  Canon 100mm Macro
F-stop:  f/2.8
Exposure time:  1/250 sec.
ISO speed:  ISO-1600
Focal Length:  100mm
No Flash

Enjoy!!  (I know I did!)

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