Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day Three Hundred&Fourteen

I know Veterans Day isn't until tomorrow, but whos bright idea was it to praise Veterans for only one day out of the year?

I am very thankful and proud of the men and women who I have known throughout the years that have fought for our Freedom.
Just to name a few...
My Grandpa:  The late Roy Gildart
My Dad:  Steve Jabben
My Step-Dad:  Bill Lowry
My Brother:  Christopher Hinshaw
My Uncles:  Randy Gildart and Chris Jabben
Cousins:  Derek and Jess Jabben and Matt Denney
And MANY many more friends and family that have served.
Take some time tomorrow (or today and every day) to thank a Veteran or Service Member...
...they are the reason you are able to read this...
...they are the reason I am able to write this...

Here are the stats:
Camera:  Canon EOS 30D
Lens:  Canon 28-135mm
F-stop:  f/4.5
Exposure time:  1/13 sec.
ISO speed:  ISO-1600
Focal Length:  28mm
No Flash


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