Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day Five

Okay. So. I am a sucker for all things emo.
...and book lights.
So this was a mixture of both!

Here are the stats:
Camera: Canon EOS 30D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS SLR
F-stop: f/3.5
Exposure time: 1/20 sec.
ISO speed: ISO-1600
Focal Lenth: 18mm
No Flash
Book light
Snapple lid ring thing made into a heart by my best friend. :)



Cori said...

I am too! Your secret is safe with me! ;) This photo is cute and fun. I kind of want to blow it up and frame it...

EV said...

this reminds me of some of the wall hangings Urban Outfitter artists sell.
I would hang it !

Baylie Marie said...

Well Ladies, just let me know what you want! All of my photos are for sale!